Imagine being old and blind, and then abandoned on the busy streets of NYC. The cruelty of stone-hearted humans towards our four legged best friends is beyond comprehension. But sweet, wriggly 8 year old Cornelius (#boroughbred31115) did not let his circumstances dim his exuberant, loving personality. A donation from THE JOEY & OREO HEAL FUND HELPED CORNELIUS being pulled by a NYCACC New Hope Partner, Project Precious Rescue. This cutie is recovering from CIRDC and will soon be on his way to his foster!!
#EveryDogMattersatJoeysElderPaws #TheJoeyAndOreoHEALFund #WeRescueSeniorBondedandPitbullTypeDogs #KeepingPetsOutofShelters
#HEALNow #HumanityEmpathyAnimalLove #TransformingAnimalandHumanLives #EmpathyConnectionBuildingUpOurYouth #TeachHEALBuildingUpOurYouth