He Ace’d his Surgery

Together we can HEAL more. Love when rescues work together. 🙏🏻❤️Ace belongs to a disabled veteran, who saved him from a roadside in TX. He is dearly beloved by his family and got loose from his home and he was hit by not one, but two cars! Ace had a shattered femur and needed extensive and very expensive surgery. Our Joey & Oreo HEAL Fund donated over 50% of the surgery costs thanks to the advocacy efforts of The Jamie Bug & Tobster Foundation❤️🐶

Ace got his surgery and is now home! He is recovering very nicely and the vet is pleased with his progress. Ace’s dad sadly had to sell his car 🚗 to pay the remainder of Ace’s vet bill. He is one dedicated dad and we respect him for doing what needed to be done to help his baby! It is because of caring individuals like YOU that make it possible for us to post updates like this and for us to continue to help pets stay with their family!