We have changed our name to H.E.A.L. (Humanity, Empathy, Animal Love) Foundation, Inc. to reflect our broader mission of saving canine lives and creating a kinder, more empathetic world via our Humanity, Empathy, Animal Love (H.E.A.L.) Programs.
“EVERY DOG MATTERS” at H.E.A.L. (Humanity, Empathy, Animal Love) Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) public charity, committed to saving lives and reducing canine homelessness through our financial assistance and grant programs for pet families in need, animal rescues and shelters. Our mission is to transform human and canine lives through our Humanity, Empathy, Animal Love (H.E.A.L.) programs:
Our HUMANITY mission addresses the human issues underlying animal homelessness and suffering, and thereby decrease the number of companion animals entering the shelter system, via our pet retention program. We provide need-based financial assistance to owners of dogs requiring veterinary care, so pets and families can stay together.
Our EMPATHY mission focuses on the root causes of violence and cruelty in society and build up our youth through Humane Education and participation in our TeachH.E.A.L programs. We believe Humane Education is the building block of an enlightened and ethically responsible society, where we teach students empathy, compassion and respect for people, animals, and the environment.
Our ANIMAL LOVE mission is our commitment to reducing canine homelessness, animal cruelty, and shelter euthanasia rates by partnering with and⇒ providing funding and resources to 501(c)(3) animal welfare organizations. We focus on rescues that help long-stay, harder to place senior (6+ years), bonded, dark colored, and pit-bull type dogs in shelters in the NY Metropolitan area and beyond.