The Joey & Oreo HEAL Fund has donated a large number of Seresto collars to Gordy and Friends. This AMAZING ALL-VOLUNTEER group in the Finger Lakes region epitomizes the very best of an animal welfare and advocacy group. Their goal is to bring comfort and succor to outside and chained dogs. WITH THE WEATHER WARMING UP, THERE IS HUGE NEED FOR FLEA/TICK PREVENTIVE COLLARS for these poor chained and outside dogs. From Gordy and Friends, “The fleas here last year were so bad that we had people reaching out to us all summer. We had people come up to our truck when we stopped for gas, as they couldn’t afford the collars but their dogs were suffering. It’s a great outreach tool to find more dogs who need help beyond the collar. We passed out as many as we had – so this will be a great help to so many dogs.”
THERE IS NO “I” IN RESCUE. We can achieve so much by working together. For us #EveryDogMatters and our goal is to identify and help animal welfare and rescue groups where 100% OF PROCEEDS GO TO ANIMALS IN NEED. If you’d like to help these outside and chained dogs, please send some donations from their Amazon wishlist at https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/3MMU46DHT96M/ref=nav_wishlist_lists_1